Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Media Bias Strikes again

Yesterday 1/8/2008 I spent a better part of my day, looking forward to the evening news. I couldn't wait to see the New Hampshire Primary coverage and how things were panning out for my chosen candidate John McCain. I have been pulling for the Senator from Arizona for 8 months now and yesterdays Primary was important to his campaign. So to the tele I turned for the 6 o'clock news and boy didn't the news agencies give me a dose of reality.

WCSH channel 6 covered 15 minutes of primary news and results, the problem is with how they covered it. By the time I walked away I was sickened to death, and thinking about Joseph Geobbles. Of that 15 mins, WCSH only mentioned the Republican forerunner twice in two separate clips. In one they showed Senator McCain looking harried in a crowd of people, with the reporters comment " McCain is currently in the lead for the Republicans." In another, they inverviewed two pundits from MSNBC who, after explaining how exciting it was to be seeing such great Democratic candidates for 3 mins, stated " McCain has to win here in New Hampshire or he's finished." The only other Republican clip available for our hungry eyes to consume was of Govenor Romney reaching out to shake the hand of a woman voter, who was obviously startled quite a bit as the Govenor Lunged forward to take her hand. She actually jumped back.

Obviously, WCSH News Editing staff has a particular agenda to put forward. For I am sure that there were other clips taken that day that showed Sen. McCain in a much better light, yet they chose not to air those. I am quite certain Govenor Romney shook thousands of hands without frightening a soul, yet again WCSH decided on a negative clip instead. Am I the only one who finds this disturbing?

Recently some studies were done that came to the conclusion that 78% of voters do not research the candidates and that they get most of their information from the news. If that news, is biased in favor of one party and puts forth its stories like I saw the other night, then that 78% is getting short changed. For they are not getting the whole truth or the facts. Their descisions then will be based upon mis information. This bias, is not only going to be a huge factor in the upcoming elections, but it is also going to hurt us all negatively by spinning out Media's " VERSION" of events and not the actual events as they occur. It smacks of Propaganda in it's worst forms.

If I was of that 78% I would have thought that, " It looks like Hillary is running against Barack for president." After hearing about the wonderful coffee Hillary gave to supporters at the polls and then watching Mitt Lunge at voters I think I could easily be swayed into leaning to the Dems for leadership. That is if I didn't take the time to look elsewhere for information. Which three quarters of our populace seems to find difficult.


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