I recieve the Maine GOP news bulletin frequently and was intrigued by a small article that announced John Frary's bid for the Maine 2nd district Congressional seat. I asked myself "who is this John Frary?" and "is he going to be able to beat Michaud for the seat?"
Personally, I have never liked Mike Michaud. I remember distinctly one of his campaign adds many years ago, in which he expouded his " Working Class" background by driving around on a forklift in a factory/warehouse in Lewiston. He had on a nice brand new yellow hard hat and he was smiling talking about his days when he had to eek out a living, and how he understood Mainers and their economic woes. Michaud was going to bring some kind of change in congress that would bring jobs back to Maine Blah, Blah, Blah. What I did notice is that this Staged act was performed inside of a Factory/Warehouse that was out of business, and to the best of my knowledge, still is. This kind of posturing has never appealed to me as it is false. It is an attempt to fool people into voting for you or your party, the sad thing is IT WORKED!
On the upside, I have not had to live in the 2nd District while he has been in Congress, so as I have no vote there, I have dismissed him as the windbag that he is and thought no more of him.
Upon receipt of my GOP news I started to look at this " New" Republican contender and have been smiling with malicious glee ever since. John Frary is just what Congress needs to get moving. In complete contrast to the bland, ineffectual represenative the voters of the 2nd district have now, comes John Frary's Campaign.
John Frary, retired history professor and an editor of the International Military Encyclopedia, was born in Farmington, graduated from Farmington High School and attended the University of Maine in Orono. In 1965 he went to Rutgers University to study Byzantine history, receiving a masters degree and completing the course and examination requirements for his PhD in 1970. During a sabbatical in 1983 he took graduate courses at Princeton University. He worked in administration and later taught history and political science at Middlesex County College from 1972 until his retirement in 2004. He returned to Maine, where he has always had a home, two weeks later.
Frary was the conservative columnist for the Kennebec Journal and Waterville Morning Sentinel from March 2005 until December of that year, when he was dismissed for excessively persistent criticism of Governor Baldacci's Dirigo Health Plan. He has since written columns for the Franklin Journal, Daily Bulldog and Downeast Coastal Press. He has also published guest columns in the Bangor Daily News, Portland Press Herald and Brunswick Times Record.
Frary was the conservative columnist for the Kennebec Journal and Waterville Morning Sentinel from March 2005 until December of that year, when he was dismissed for excessively persistent criticism of Governor Baldacci's Dirigo Health Plan. He has since written columns for the Franklin Journal, Daily Bulldog and Downeast Coastal Press. He has also published guest columns in the Bangor Daily News, Portland Press Herald and Brunswick Times Record.
After reading the views and opinions of Mr. Frary I cannot but help compare him to one of our Nation's founder's, Benjamin Franklin, who I have always held in high regard. Using a combination of wit, and common sense, coupled with a stodginess that defies Political correctness, Mr. Frary puts forth his arguments and ideas in an entertaining, and refreshingly Honest way. Hmm. Commonsense, wit, determination, HONESTY???? When did any of us see that from one of our Congressmen? This campaign admits it's chances are slim in that honesty and " Straight talk" dont win elections, but I feel if enough voters get behind him, he might have a chance. Can you imagine the reaction of someone like Nancy Pelosi to Mr. Frary? That alone makes me want to get him the 2nd district seat.
Please take a moment to look at John's campaign website and if you are so inclined and if you feel as I do volunteer to help collect signatures to get John on the ballot,he can be contacted at :
jfrary8070@aol.com 207-778-6685
If anything I think you just might find John Frary entertaining. I know I do....
Oh for God's sake, Frary is just a fat alcoholic who throws big words around. Comparing him to Ben Franklin is akin to comparing Bush to Lincoln. Get a grip you hopeless moron.
I've met Frary 30 or 40 times, and I did see him once drink three beers with a college chum who was visiting. The alcohol stuff must be what psychologists call projection, which is a fancy way of saying "look in the mirror - what you see must be what the other guy sees". A hopeless drunk sees a hopeless drunk, etc
As for the "girth" issue, the better to tackle Nancy Pelosi with.
My researches indicate that, at a similar age, Ben's alcoholic intake exceeded mine by about a bucket per month. His figure was quite robust as well. And his writings no doubt contained many words, words of more than one syllable, which would baffle the Anonymous One.
Yes, I think the comparison holds up well.
And so Mr. Frary you did read my mind on the comparison.
However, it is in the use of the English language and wit, that compelled me to compare you to the good Doctor.
My friend the "anonymous one" is obviously lacking in that area as his last line so aptly proves.
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