And the Democratic Nominee for the President of the United States of America is Barack Obama.
Or so it seems. I have been wondering to myself, and aloud, to anyone unfortunate enough who will listen to me, " Why would anyone endorse this candidate? " To date, Barack Obama has given not one detail as to how he is going to " Change" Washington. He has not put forth a single comprehensive plan to " Fix" America. I was unaware that we needed so much repair but evidently we do. The throngs of Barack supporters lap up is rhetoric and platitudes like starving Ethiopians devouring a ham sandwich. Unlike the sandwich, that which the supporters receive from Barack, is not very filling or of any substance. Can the American people be so blind? Have we sunk so far into pop culture? You know, the culture that produces such riveting programs like " Jerry Springer", " Big Brother", and oh yes, " American Idol ". Can we not see a demagogue even when they are right in front of us? Is all that is needed to become President of the most powerful Nation on earth is lights, camera, and a catch phrase?
I worry greatly over these simple questions, for if what I am seeing daily, my fears are well founded. Huge numbers of people, take time off from work and family to go and listen and watch this most curious candidate. Yet, if these self same devoted followers look a little closer at their object of affection, I am betting they will see the hollowness that is Barack Obama. Will they make that effort? Will they squint their eyes and see beyond the lights and flash that is this campaign? I doubt it, and that is very frightening to say the least.
How can these people justify casting a vote for someone who has nothing to say? If you vote for someone you should at least know what they are going to try and accomplish. If not, you are wasting your time and endangering the Nation as a whole with your foolish actions. I remember another great speaker who could enthrall thousands with his speaking. He could master the crowds with the intonations of his voice, bringing them to a feverish pitch or subdued calm with the wave of his hand. He was elected by a considerable margin, yet not once did he state clearly his position on policies. Even if he had, I doubt if the mesmerized would have heard him. That Demagogue was Adolf Hitler. Elected by a democratic election on a platform of " Change."
I am not saying that Obama is like Hitler so get your PC sphincters unclenched. What I am pointing out is that electing someone who does not state clearly their intentions is a very dangerous business indeed. Germany in the 1920s and 30s proved that to the world, and is an extreme case. But the point is valid is it not?
I am beginning to believe that our mind numbing pop culture, is eroding the brains of Americans, ( at least Democrats) and that we are becoming a nation of Retards. ( Now get the PC handbook out and give me a shot) The word for Retarded in Irish is Mallintinneach. I say, not only do I deem Obama's campaign, but also any of his enthralled supporters Mallintinneach.
God help us..... really.
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