Last nights Democratic Primary Debate in Texas was, in my humble opinion, one of great import for the Nation. Admittedly, I did not watch it live, as my temper gets up too easily when I see the two candidates individually, let alone on the same stage. Perhaps it is because I feel that, when applying for one of the most important jobs on this planet, a person should produce more than rhetoric, hype, and sycophantic behavior. However, I have read many of the news reports of this debate, and find that true to form, both candidates can not help but insult the intelligence of even the average voter.
As I have written before, on Barack Obama's lack of substance, I'll not go too much further into a tirade on the empty responses and platitudes that the Senator from Illinois used in the Debate last night. However, as the empty wind from behind his teeth, again reinforces my views, I cannot help myself , and must address a few here.
In the debate Hillary brought forth the accusation of plagiarism against Barack for his use of phrases and statements in speeches recently, that have been shown to be the words of Duval Patrick, Govenor of Massachusetts. She actually came up with a clever line to sum up it up. “If your candidacy is going to be about words then they should be your own words,” she said. “…Lifting whole passages from someone else’s speeches is not change you can believe in, it’s change you can Xerox.”Good quip Mrs. Clinton, I rarely give her credit for anything, but in this she is dead on.
Seantor Obama's response? "What we shouldn't be spending time doing is tearing each other down. We should be spending time lifting the country up."
Ah, yes of course, don't address the accusation Barack, slide by with a blanket statement that everyone would naturally agree with.
What is important about this small exchange is the audience's response. When Hillary made this quip, they booed loudly. When Barack came back with his empty response they cheered. So what this says to me is that, even when serious allegations of wrongdoing are in front of the Democratic party voters, they deliberately ignore the facts, and side with nonsense. No new News there, but I am beginning to wonder if I am the only one to notice such ignorant behavior. This is in of itself is a statement to the world that we as a People really haven't a clue. But let me take this one step further.
Fox news reported that Obama said the entire controversy was evidence of a “silly season” that the public finds dispiriting.
SILLY SEASON? What the Christ kind of response to a very serious allegation is that? So Senator Obama, the campaign season is a " Silly Season" is it? When any topic of substance or of value is brought up we, the American people, are to ignore it for campaigns really are but a product of this silly season eh? I don't know about anyone else, for my friends as we can see, a goodly portion of our populace is filled with ignoramuses, but for me this " Silly Season" is to much to bear. There are many different and strong reasons that the allegation of Plagiarism should be taken seriously. The one that stands out most in my mind is that as President of the United States you will be dealing with the heads of state from other nations. You will need to make hard decisions sometimes very quickly. If as President, you steal the ideas, words or thoughts of someone, without giving credit, you show to the world that you personally are weak intellectually. As well as deceitful, and not to be trusted. Dismiss, this behavior as a product of a Silly Season to the Taoiseach ( Prime Minister) of Ireland and see how far you get.
Barack Obama, simply put, dodged the issue with rhetoric, and the people bought it. Very sad indeed.
But that is not the worst of it for our Democratic citizens, For Hillary failed to press the attack and hold strong. She acquiesced by saying... "And, you know, no matter what happens in this contest … I am honored to be here with Barack Obama. I am absolutely honored,” Clinton said in her closing, before reaching over to accept a handshake from him. “Whatever happens, we’re going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we’ll be able to say the same thing about the American people, and that’s what this election should be about.”
Can you guess how I perceive this last action? I bet you can. It is weakness personified, henceforth, next to the words, watery, weak, cowardly and most important, Stupid, will be the Picture of Mrs. Hillary Clinton. Many things I have thought of the former First Lady, and not all good, but to be sure I thought such a sycophantic display beneath her station.
Last Night showed me many things about the Liberal agenda and Mindset. It proved to me that for many Americans being a person of Character is not of value when choosing a Presidential nominee, the candidate merely has to look good. If that criteria is met, then no policies, or agendas need be discussed. The candidate can stand at each rally and scream about nothing, and occasionally, when someone actually asks a real question, pull out a puppet, wave it off to their left and say " Look at the Monkey" like in that famous South park episode. This seems to be working for the Obama Campaign, and as long as the New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Liberal media keep the Kool aid flowing in his favor He can very well take the nomination, along with his puppet. Maybe Mrs. Obama would be Proud of her country then.
The other important point is, Neither one of these wishy washy say nothings can possibly be an effective Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. If they are so afraid of the crowds reaction to a few words during a debate that they switch gears to find the "sweet spot" how can they be trusted to stand strong in the face of dictators and tyrants? I can just imagine how Osama Bin Laden would deal with the likes of Hillary. We would all be wearing turbans within an hour of them meeting.
Maybe you are right Senator Obama, maybe this is a " Silly Season". That just might explain the lack of substance that you represent and the lack of will Senator Clinton displayed last night. Maybe like in the Autumn when the leaves fall from the trees, and are blown to the wayside, so to will you and your mindless followers pass. I simply pray you harm not this nation before that time comes.
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