Friday, April 30, 2010

The Debt Commission and Obamacare | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

The Debt Commission and Obamacare The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[quote]No Republican supported the measure, in large part because it vastly expanded federal entitlement commitments at the very moment when it was abundantly clear that the existing entitlements are the problem.[/quote]

Republicans announced they were going to vote against it the moment Obama said he was going to try to institute Health Care reform, before any single word of said reform was ever drafted.
They didn't vote against it because it was wrong, they voted against it because Obama's a Democrat.

For the record, I was against it myself; because I really didn't think they could do it properly; but that doesn't change the fact that Republican's are trying to claim moral high ground when in reality all they really did was go "We don't like you so we've decided not to play with you anymore".
