Monday, December 17, 2007

News Flash!!!! Life's NOT fair.

Ahhh, Christmas. The time of year that, for most, is filled with warmth, gifts, good food and good cheer. When these self same folks express their gratitude and affection to their friends and families. When the exchange of gifts takes place in which, the supposed reasoning goes, one brings a moment of happiness to the recipient, and feels good about doing it. Simple pleasures that, until recently, I took for granted. For, as we are so reminded by the ringing of Salvation Army Bells, it is also a time of privation, want, need and despair.

It is at this time, Christmas, ( oooh he said it again) that we are inundated with requests of charity for the needy. Where we are made to feel a sense of Obligation to donate time, money, food, and yes even New toys, to those less fortunate than ourselves. When you are asked to take the money you earned and give it freely to someone who you do not know, and lets be frank, you probably wouldn't let into your home. The plus side to that is the people who donate never really have to meet or see the recipients and so they can go on their merry way feeling good about their " Good Deed". Isn't that nice? helping your fellow man in his/her time of need.

I personally believe that helping one's neighbor and family is extremely important. The bonds formed through such acts can be very positive. However these are acts between people who know one another, not acts of generosity to complete strangers. There is a difference, a very important difference. To be helpful, kind and benevolent to ones friends and family reaps a reward, that though not always tangible, is one from which you benefit. To simply put money in a till, to give baskets of foodstuffs and toys, to those you know not, can in no way be of advantage to you directly, or might I add indirectly. It is a waste pure and simple. I do remember something about a fish and teaching a man to fish from my limited religious experiences.

Here is how I perceive the concept of charity during the Christmas ( He's going to be fired soon ) season. Growing up we didn't have much, more than some less than others. Every Christmas my dear Mother made sure there was at least a tree, and a little something beneath it for my brother, sister and I. She worked hard supporting three kids and an alcoholic husband. Two jobs and she managed to get her degree from University at the same time. I know it was difficult keeping our hectic household afloat, with the limited resources at hand which my dear old Da wanted to drink up. Yet, she managed to pull off Christmas each and every year, without taking charity from strangers. How? through hard work, determination, foresight and planning, that's how. Even as a small lad I knew the effort put forth by my mother was great and we always managed to feel warm on Christmas morning. I learned to appreciate what we had not what we didn't get, and to feel love for my mother more so on that special day because I knew she had made it all possible.

Through her work, my mother, did several things, she made us appreciate the gifts we received. She made us feel loved as she had picked each one personally, and she had given us an understanding that " nothing is free, and you have to EARN what you get". Important lessons to say the least. Those lessons, were the real gifts. More valuable than diamonds or luxury automobiles, which, unlike the material items, I have kept with me to this day. My Mother is a remarkable woman, from an age since past obviously, for today, I do not see many examples on par with my mother, on the contrary, I see just the opposite.

These days, one does not have to worry over much about providing Christmas dinner for your children or about even buying/making gifts. One simply has to apply to the local Church or Town, and all the work will be done for you. If you are in economic straits, of your own making or no, you will be provided for and your children won't " Feel" let down etc.

That is rubbish, pure and simple. Yes there are many who need assistance but does said assistance need to go so far? How is a child to learn the values of work, love and determination if they know that Christmas comes not from their mother but from the town? Does not this whole " Giving season " perpetuate an Entitlement mentality? I am wearied to death with the lazy wanting me to foot their bills, feed their children and yes provide gifts to them as well. If the indigent were so concerned about their wee ones would they not have made some kind of effort, or provision on their behalf? This summer past I was sweating each and every day in a warehouse working. What were these supplicants doing then? Going to the beach or perhaps simply sitting on their indolent asses, drinking from their indolent glasses. I would have liked to have spent my days drinking away, safe in the knowledge that someone would take care of me at Christmas. Alas, such is not my lot, for I believe that " Life's not fair". That one must EARN ones way in the world and not look to someone else to provide for you.

I have stated before that adversity builds character. This is true, for through adversity my Mother gave us the greatest gifts and Christmas memories. The needy at Christmas perhaps should take the time to learn and understand this rather than asking for gift cards and free groceries.

Nollaig Shona!


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