I accept this gavel in the spirit of partnership, not in partisanship, and I look forward to working with you Mr. Boehner and the Republicans in the Congress on the behalf of the American people.
Nacy Pelosi - 1/4/2007 Speaker of the house acceptance speech
What a wonderful sentiment the put forth by the Democrat from California upon becoming the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Reading her opening statement one cannot but think;
" Here at last we have someone that will transcend the Partisan politics of Washington and who cares for the American people."
If that was all we had to go by, I'd say Speaker Nancy would be well on her way to becoming the first woman President in 2012. Unfortunately for her, and for the rest of us, actions speak louder than words, and her actions of late tell of a different philosophy than the one quoted above.
I wonder if Mrs Pelosi could hear herself saying : In this House, we may belong to different parties, but we serve one country while she asked for a vote for early recess last Friday 8/1/2008, in order to crush a call for a vote on off shore drilling.
Did she recall this phrase from her most eloquent speech while the order was given to dim the lights and cut the cameras?
~ Openness requires respect for every voice in the Congress. As Thomas Jefferson said, 'Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle'. My collegues elected me to be Speaker of the House--the entire House. Respectful of the vision of our Founders, the expectations of our people, and the great challenges we face, we have an obligation to reach beyond partisanship to work for all Americans.
Her actions are in stark Contrast to her pretty, pretty words. Nancy Pelosi refused to allow the vote on the Republican bill to lift the drilling ban and literally left the other members of the house in the dark. She said to you my fellow citizens, that above all she reigns supreme, and that no dissenting voice or opinion shall foul her righteous ears. And if some may so chose to attempt it they will be silenced!!!!
She turned out the lights and not unlike the famous "Soup Nazi" of Jerry Seinfeld fame she said; "No Oil for you!!!!!".
So that leaves me with a question or two, or three, about the Speaker of the House and the Party she is affiliated with.
Obviously, Nancy Pelosi cannot be held to her pledge to represent all Americans as 70% of the populace wants to open up off shore drilling. By refusing to allow the most fundamental Parliamentary proceedures of the House, i.e. debate and vote, she says to the members of the House in her famous non partisanship way, that those Founders, whose vision we must respect really do not need all that much respect. And that those other members of Congress should not look to the tried and true institutions laid forth in our Constitution to pass Legislation. No, if the Speaker agrees not then I suppose that's the end of it, or so Sayeth she who rules supreme.
Now, as we speak members of Congress wander the darkened halls of the House, refusing to leave as a protest to the undemocratic actions of the speaker and her Minions. The Congressmen and women have been addressing the fundamental issues concerning the current energy crisis, and have been speaking with tourists and sightseers. Left with no other recourse but to cut such a tragic pose, the proponents of lifting the ban, are forced into something of subdued silence, whispering in the cold halls of the capitol when their voices should be booming in Debate.
So here we must ask, why would the Speaker and the Democrats, including our most distinguished representatives, Mike Michaud and Tom Allen, vote to recess and not fulfill their duty to the American people?
The answer is simple. Partisan politics.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats do not want to vote on an energy bill that contains Off Shore Drilling or any Drilling for that matter, for two reasons that are both faulty.
1.) It does not meet with their agenda of a Clean/Green world, that has no room for what they Call Big Oil. The Speaker went so far as to say; " I'm trying to save the Planet." That is indeed a lofty goal but I am sure her arrogance is not without it's merit. She is quite obviously a force to be reckoned with when she can hold up the people of America, disrupt their commerce and way of life, and refuse to acknowledge any alternatives to her viewpoint, and GET AWAY WITH IT, without too much negative news coverage. No wonder she envisions herself the savior of the planet. This agenda however, is not realistic at this time, and those self same " Warmongering Handmaidens of Big oil" dancing on the floor of the house ( as she described the Republicans) know this to be true.
2.) A vote on any programme that proposed Off Shore Drilling would most certainly draw a Nay from many a Representative on the Democrat side, as it meets not with their agenda. If a vote was held on 8/1 then the negative votes by Nancy's Minions would most certainly be used against them in the upcoming November elections. Seats might be lost and the Republicans might take the majority. So being shrewd, as well as Omnipotent, Nancy squashed the vote, so that Democrats running for re-election this fall did not sway and vote Yeah in the hopes of currying favor with their slack jawed constituents. A nice tactic to be sure but it seems to be backfiring. For though, we lowly constituents may or may not understand the inner workings of the great intellect that is Nancy Pelosi we do know a farce when we see one.
The Democrats are playing Partisan Politics with your pocketbook, and as long as we allow these self proclaimed saviors of the planet to further their little agendas of self aggrandisement, we as a nation will suffer. There is no single answer or policy that will solve the Energy crisis. We will need to Drill, we will need to develop Solar, wind and Hydroelectric power. We will need to continue conserving energy and yes even build Nuclear power plants. All of these things and more must we do to become energy independent.
In Nancy's inaugural address she said:
Now it is our responsibility to carry forth that vision of a new America into the 21st Century. A new America that seizes the future and forges 21st Century solutions through discovery, creativity, and innovation, sustaining our economic leadership and ensuring our national security.
Nice job there Mrs Speaker, it looks like you have fallen short on that account as well as your pledge of non partisan leadership of the House. What a sweetheart.
The good thing about this is the ban on drilling MUST be voted on or it expires. The bad thing is she'll probably try to tie the bill to another bill to make those who vote against it look bad, such as the appropriations bill to keep the government running.
Wait, did you just say we need to develop wind and solar energy?
Tree hugger!
I agree that more than likely the vote will be tied to another bill. This is inevitable though as our Legislators seem to be far more interested in their own little pockets of power and agenda's than the welfare of those they purport to represent.
As to Tree Hugger, I daresay you have missed the mark a bit.
I only support the idea of developing the alternative sources of energy as a means of economic independence. My reasoning being that we as a Nation are weakend by our Dependence on foreign Nations for our energy needs. It is one thing to be a trading power with other nations, it is totally another to be subserviant to them.
About two months ago The President of these United States went to Suadi Arabia to ask OPEC to increase production. The head line should have read:
" Leader of the Free world goes hat in hand to get Oil".
We need to regain our independence and our Nation's pride once again. If by developing alternative sources of energy we can accomplish that then I am all for it.
What about you?
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