My, my, my, whatever have they gone and done now?
There is to be a Pagan Circle at the Democrat Convention Today at 2:00pm Central time, to channel energy to stop pollution. It seems that the Pagan movement has been making something of a comeback while we were not looking and is now considered one of the sixth most popular non Christian denominations in the US.
Source As Maine Goes Topic
Ahhh, I so love this Country, where else in the world would such a gathering of Moon bats be allowed to exist? The fundamental freedom of worship and religion is alive and strong. I may disagree with the loonies and their prancing and dancing, but I whole heartedly support their right to do so, and encourage them to continue to exercise that right to the fullest.
There is a wee bit of problem with this Pagan Circle though, and of course I must address it for not to do so would go against my Character and core beliefs. To establish my point I will need to give evidence of another recent incident that made the news which proved to be quite controversial. That being the Saddleback Civil Forum moderated by Pastor Rick Warren.
Pastor Warren held a forum for both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama on August 16th in which he asked each one, individually, a series of questions. This was not a debate as both the Senators requested that Pastor Warren and only Pastor Warren was to pose the questions to each candidate in turn. The questions surrounded family, foreign policy, the economy, the courts, and of course abortion. The outcome of this event was enlightening as we as a populace got to see each candidate express his views on subjects that most of us feel are of great importance, issues that most believe are important for a President to understand and have views of his own on. No need to go too far into detail on the answers and the outlooks of the candidates, as I only need to establish that the event took place.
The reaction to that Forum however, was immediate and vicious.
In many a heated discussion, in which I held not my composure, people were expressing that the forum in question was improper in that it violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution. This of course is ridiculous in the extreme, but no matter, the people I fought with could not see the falsity of their assertion. It was not just locally either, there were people from all parts of the country calling into radio talk show programs screaming about the Separation of Church and State. It seems that those who were doing the screaming were not doing the reading and they do not grasp the phrase:
“Congress shall make no LAW respecting an Establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ……”
And who pray were these vociferous combatants?
You guessed it, Democrats to the last.
So now we have the sixth largest non Christian denomination in the country holding a service before the doors of the Democrat Convention. Does this not seem somewhat contradictory? For if the Civil Forum was a violation of the First Amendment then so too should not this be as well? Perhaps the Democrats came to realize that their rhetoric concerning the former was incorrect and that the same standards need not apply to the latter. I doubt it though.
Let us ask ourselves; if it was the Catholic Church holding a thanksgiving mass in the same place would it be allowed?
Of course not, for the moon bats and their party feel that the Christian church is evil but the old pagan religions, (which had such nice rituals as human and animal sacrifice) do not embody that evil. No need to cry “Foul”, no need to look at the contradiction in their stances and policies.
Our little Birkenstock friends will have their moment in the sun today. Dressed in hemp, tie dye, and smelling of Hummus they will pray before their various gods to clean our air and to fix our woes. With much good fortune perhaps one of their gods will bless them with a sign or appearance. It is a great showing of faith to believe that a circle of such people will be able to implement any “Change”. For there is no evidence that "Change" can be brought about simply by voicing it and praying for it.
There is to be a Pagan Circle at the Democrat Convention Today at 2:00pm Central time, to channel energy to stop pollution. It seems that the Pagan movement has been making something of a comeback while we were not looking and is now considered one of the sixth most popular non Christian denominations in the US.
Source As Maine Goes Topic
Ahhh, I so love this Country, where else in the world would such a gathering of Moon bats be allowed to exist? The fundamental freedom of worship and religion is alive and strong. I may disagree with the loonies and their prancing and dancing, but I whole heartedly support their right to do so, and encourage them to continue to exercise that right to the fullest.
There is a wee bit of problem with this Pagan Circle though, and of course I must address it for not to do so would go against my Character and core beliefs. To establish my point I will need to give evidence of another recent incident that made the news which proved to be quite controversial. That being the Saddleback Civil Forum moderated by Pastor Rick Warren.
Pastor Warren held a forum for both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama on August 16th in which he asked each one, individually, a series of questions. This was not a debate as both the Senators requested that Pastor Warren and only Pastor Warren was to pose the questions to each candidate in turn. The questions surrounded family, foreign policy, the economy, the courts, and of course abortion. The outcome of this event was enlightening as we as a populace got to see each candidate express his views on subjects that most of us feel are of great importance, issues that most believe are important for a President to understand and have views of his own on. No need to go too far into detail on the answers and the outlooks of the candidates, as I only need to establish that the event took place.
The reaction to that Forum however, was immediate and vicious.
In many a heated discussion, in which I held not my composure, people were expressing that the forum in question was improper in that it violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution. This of course is ridiculous in the extreme, but no matter, the people I fought with could not see the falsity of their assertion. It was not just locally either, there were people from all parts of the country calling into radio talk show programs screaming about the Separation of Church and State. It seems that those who were doing the screaming were not doing the reading and they do not grasp the phrase:
“Congress shall make no LAW respecting an Establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ……”
And who pray were these vociferous combatants?
You guessed it, Democrats to the last.
So now we have the sixth largest non Christian denomination in the country holding a service before the doors of the Democrat Convention. Does this not seem somewhat contradictory? For if the Civil Forum was a violation of the First Amendment then so too should not this be as well? Perhaps the Democrats came to realize that their rhetoric concerning the former was incorrect and that the same standards need not apply to the latter. I doubt it though.
Let us ask ourselves; if it was the Catholic Church holding a thanksgiving mass in the same place would it be allowed?
Of course not, for the moon bats and their party feel that the Christian church is evil but the old pagan religions, (which had such nice rituals as human and animal sacrifice) do not embody that evil. No need to cry “Foul”, no need to look at the contradiction in their stances and policies.
Our little Birkenstock friends will have their moment in the sun today. Dressed in hemp, tie dye, and smelling of Hummus they will pray before their various gods to clean our air and to fix our woes. With much good fortune perhaps one of their gods will bless them with a sign or appearance. It is a great showing of faith to believe that a circle of such people will be able to implement any “Change”. For there is no evidence that "Change" can be brought about simply by voicing it and praying for it.
I cannot be too harsh though, for those delegates inside the Pepsi Center are pretty much doing the same.
The photo is Ed Lachowicz, Vice Chair of the Kennebec County Democratic Committee, and a Maine Democratic State Committeeman. Leader and promoter of the pagan circle.
1 comment:
Excellent points. Moonbats is a very appropriate observation;
"Moonbat (also "barking moonbat" and "moonbat crazy") is a term often used currently in U.S. politics as a political epithet referring to anyone that is believed to be liberal or on the left. "Wingnut" (or "right wing nut") is frequently preferred as the analogous epithet aimed at the political right[1], as is "Nutbag" (or "right wing nutbag")."
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