LePage puts life's hard lessons to work
The Republican mayor and Marden's manager wants to help Mainers help themselves.By Susan M. Cover
Staff Writer
WATERVILLE — Republican Mayor Paul LePage isn't afraid to go directly to voters if Waterville's Democratic-controlled City Council disagrees with him.He threatens to veto budgets and knows how to use the bully pulpit.
However, he also answers letters from elementary schoolchildren, and speaks quietly when recalling his own difficult childhood. Full PPH article....
After reading the above article in the PPH I have to say I am somewhat surprised. The paper's usual bias was dulled and dampened considerably and they did a nice job of presenting this most exciting of candidates.
I have tried to point many people towards Mayor LePage's campaign this past year. He is a man after my own heart. He came up the hard way yet didn't let that stop him striving for success, he has done the right thing by the citizens of Waterville time and time again.
Through the implementation of efficiencies Mayor LePage managed to not only create a surplus of revenue but also lower taxes for the citizenry. All the while not cutting back on the most needed services of the community. No wonder he keeps getting re-elected. I'm all in on this candidate, and if you are still undecided take a look at his campaign website here : LePage 2010
Allen R Butler
This small endorsement is not paid for,I really like Paul LePage for our next Governor.
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