No Health Care in the Constitution
The above is an important and well written piece on the legality or better yet the illegality of the current Health Care Reform proposals. Would that I wrote it myself perhaps, if I had the money to retire I could have had the time. In any event it is worth the read, for it shows quite clearly that Congress and the Administration are in violation of the Constitution of the United States.
As these elected officials are bound by oath to uphold said document they are by this act, breaking their oath, which is grounds for dismissal from office.
Given the obvious complete disregard for the basis for our government coupled with the lack of understanding of "Limited Government" we are faced with no recourse in this matter. The Supreme Court will not easily dismiss the take over of such a large part of our economy as the faulty argument of "General Welfare" was used by FDR in setting up Social Security. The reasoning goes: If the Health Care reform package is proved unconstitutional through it's use of the general welfare clause then so too would the whole Social Security program.
Sad but true, and that will leave the court with quite a sticky situation indeed! One in which they will have neither the grit or fortitude to step out of.
Essentially what I'm saying is that if we are saddled with this law, the courts will lie down and die before it out of fear of the consequences of following the actual law. For those consequences are far too great. A challenge on Social Security would threaten the lives and livelihood of far too many people in this nation, no matter that those entitlements were given illegally in the first place.
Allen Butler
There is an "out" for the Supreme Court as far as Social Security goes. When sold to the people, this was supposed to be an "insurance policy". The courts did not like that, Congress can't force people to buy insurance.
The way they got around that was what you see now, a Social Security "Tax". The Supreme Court used this justification in Helvering v. Davis, 301 U.S. 619 (1937), Congress was just levying one more tax for the General Welfare.
This health care bill, though, mandates the purchase of health care, punishable by taxation (read fines), if those are not paid, punishable by more fines and/or incarceration.
The Supreme Court should be able to wiggle through this without losing face on Social Security.
A few similar parallels to Social Security, some historians say that act contributed greatly to the "Roosevelt Recession" of 1937-38.
Also, Roosevelt tried, and I haven't finished the research to see if he succeeded, to enact a bill, Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937, to pack the courts in his favor in order to get his Social Security through.
I believe our current president is attempting to do something similar.
My sources are mostly from a well known historian, lawyer, and constitutionalist whom I won't mention as the leftists tend to discredit anything originating from him. BUT, he is but my source of inspiration, as with everything, I go back to the source to verify the validity of the information.
In this day and age, I take the word of nobody. As you shouldn't either, do the research, prove me wrong.
Rob, Roosevelt did "Pack the Court" to get SS through.
Here is my problem with the Health Care reform situation.
The powers enumerated to congress and the government are quite clear. They are written in the Constitution which is the basis of law here in the United States. If Congress takes upon itself powers outside of those specifically granted then they are in violation of the law. Not a big deal in this day and age right? Well maybe....
If the Government can at any time decide to ignore the law and grant authority unto itself without the consent of the governed then we have a rather scary situation at hand.
For the leadership through example, must show and practice a respect of the laws of the nation, if they do not two possible outcomes can be expected.
1. The people will know that they are disenfranchised and that the law is only applied when it benefits those in power. This leads to resentment which can turn to actual violence.
2. By taking power when not granted the state and local governments will quickly begin to follow suit. They will ignore their constitutions and put in place what the few elites in the capitol think is best.
Lawlessness can only breed more of the same. The failure of our Government officials to grasp this really aggravates me to no end.
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