This about sums up the Acorn situation.
The sad fact that this organization is even allowed to exist frightens me quite a bit. Voter Fraud was a crime the last time I looked and any organization that fosters or promotes said criminal act should be prosecuted in full as well as be disbanded. I for one feel that if Acorn needs to register dead people, illegal immigrants, and toddlers, in the hopes of getting Senator Obama elected, then that fact alone is testament to not only their view of this country, but of their candidate of choice as well.
Here is a news flash for all you bleeding hearts:
If you are not 18 years old.....You do not have the right to vote
If you are in this country illegally....You do not have the right to
If you are in this country on a Visa.....You do not get to vote
If you are DEAD and in the afterlife...You definitely do not get the right
to vote.
And lastly, If you are a citizen of this country...You do have the right to
vote, but only ONCE!
Acorn and their supporters are guilty of not only the base criminal act of voter fraud, they are also actively undermining one of the most fundamental freedoms we enjoy. Take a close look everybody, for what Acorn and Barack are doing to the people of this nation is but the beginning. Rest assured if elected not only will the power of our vote be destroyed, but so too will our other fundamental beliefs and freedoms suffer assault.
Ironically Obama got to the Senate by effectively challenging his competition.
All 3 of his senate challengers were disqualified and he was elected- he ran unopposed. Now he looks to exploit the system to steal another election, with the media as co-conspirator.
Don't take my word on it- look it up.
Obama was able, however, to successfully challenge enough signatures to disqualify not only the incumbent but the other three candidates for the Democratic nomination as well, which he won unopposed.[2][3]
And he defended his use of ballot maneuvers: "If you can win, you should win..."
I am in no doubt as to the validity of your statements. Though I am unable to use the link you provided, Your arguments ring true.
I am forced to wonder more and more each day, "what pray will happen to our freedoms if this lot is elected?" I can see no good come of anyone who stoops to such low tactics.
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