Joe Biden really put his foot in it yesterday on Good Morning America when he said, and I quote:
The implication of this statement is that those persons who make in excess of $250,000 per year are not being patriotic to their country and it is now high time they Pony up. I for one feel that “Uncle Joe Biden” is a bit off the mark here and that not only is his statement completely inappropriate but is not based in any kind of reality. So for my own sanity and for the betterment of my fellow Americans, I feel the need to point out how oh so very wrong Uncle Joe is and the policy he is promoting as well.
First off, let’s look at what the persons of the $250,000 per anum income bracket currently contribute to this nation. I need not go into how much in Tax revenue they throw into the government coffers for that is a given. No what I’m talking about are the intangibles, contributions immeasurable as they bring far greater wealth to this nation than mere dollars.
The persons Uncle Joe feels are unpatriotic are the investors in the Stock markets which have been beaten all to hell as of late through the SEC not doing its job. They are the business owners both large and small; they are mangers, brokers, bankers, and entrepreneurs. These are the unpatriotic souls of our country. These are the very people who have ruined America, or so Uncle Joe wants us to believe.
Really now? Let me ask this: If the investors of the stock markets, which allow business’ to grow and expand, the entrepreneurs, that use creativity and ingenuity to develop new markets and technology, and the business owners who create jobs are unpatriotic, then might I ask what Uncle Joe’s definition of the word is?.
Without these people, jobs would not exist, commerce would wither and die, and we all would be living in a barter economy much like pre-Revolutionary Colonial America. In which we would be dependant on the markets of foreign nations the consequence of which is that they would dictate our economic success or failure. Today, as evidenced by the world markets reaction to the recent crisis, we control not only our markets but also affect directly those of the EU, Asia, and Russia.
The contributions of the targeted part of our society, through the acts of commerce (which generates billions in tax revenue), help keep each and everyone of us safe and secure. The day after 9/11 a man of limited education but great common sense made comment to a small crowd of us stunned citizens. Many were asking what can we do? Some were going to enlist, some volunteer to go help the victims of the attack but many could not make such sacrifices for a variety of reasons such as age and personal resources. It was then that I heard these words;
“The best thing you can do to help your country right now is to work at your jobs. It is the strength of our commerce that will help us defeat our attackers. If we give up in shock then they win for that is just the reaction the Terrorists want.”
He is right, for every foot soldier, sailor, or Airman in the field; there are 30 more in support of that front line combatant. The ammunition, food, clothing, equipment is made by American hands and ingenuity. And the trail need not stop there, for I contend that though the bookseller and the insurance corporation may not have directly distributed hard goods to the military effort, they did so indirectly. That being the taxes generated by the profits of the corporation or business and the personal income taxes of its employees. The monies obtained thereby, can then be used to fuel the tanks, and planes of our brave men and women over seas.
And who runs those businesses’ that have so helped each and every one of us enjoy a standard of living only dreamed of elsewhere? Well according to “Uncle Joe” it’s the most unpatriotic portion of our populace, and they just don’t care about our nation at all.
Perhaps Senator Biden should read a book or two about the economics of WW II and the importance the U.S. economy played in that time period. He just might be surprised at the level of Patriotism exhibited by this most unpatriotic group of evil businessmen.
So what we can conclude is that though Uncle Joe and Commissar Obama want you to believe that patriotism is based upon ones revenue and tax we can see quite easily that this assertion is not only false but completely inane. However I am not surprised at all by this little attack by the “Red Star Duo” for I have seen this type of political ploy before. I read it in the Joseph Stalin Handbook “how to destroy an economy and have the masses thank you.”
By attacking those who’s income seems out of reach for many and by saying that “we are going to tax them and give you a break”, Uncle Joe is creating a class differential one that can be used and exploited not for benefit the millions of Middle Class Americans but for the sole purpose of getting elected.
Add the Capital gains tax plan of these two geniuses, to the mix, and you get quite a mess indeed.
“it’s time to be patriotic...time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut” by forcing Americans who make over 250 thousand a year to pay higher taxes.”
The implication of this statement is that those persons who make in excess of $250,000 per year are not being patriotic to their country and it is now high time they Pony up. I for one feel that “Uncle Joe Biden” is a bit off the mark here and that not only is his statement completely inappropriate but is not based in any kind of reality. So for my own sanity and for the betterment of my fellow Americans, I feel the need to point out how oh so very wrong Uncle Joe is and the policy he is promoting as well.
First off, let’s look at what the persons of the $250,000 per anum income bracket currently contribute to this nation. I need not go into how much in Tax revenue they throw into the government coffers for that is a given. No what I’m talking about are the intangibles, contributions immeasurable as they bring far greater wealth to this nation than mere dollars.
The persons Uncle Joe feels are unpatriotic are the investors in the Stock markets which have been beaten all to hell as of late through the SEC not doing its job. They are the business owners both large and small; they are mangers, brokers, bankers, and entrepreneurs. These are the unpatriotic souls of our country. These are the very people who have ruined America, or so Uncle Joe wants us to believe.
Really now? Let me ask this: If the investors of the stock markets, which allow business’ to grow and expand, the entrepreneurs, that use creativity and ingenuity to develop new markets and technology, and the business owners who create jobs are unpatriotic, then might I ask what Uncle Joe’s definition of the word is?.
Without these people, jobs would not exist, commerce would wither and die, and we all would be living in a barter economy much like pre-Revolutionary Colonial America. In which we would be dependant on the markets of foreign nations the consequence of which is that they would dictate our economic success or failure. Today, as evidenced by the world markets reaction to the recent crisis, we control not only our markets but also affect directly those of the EU, Asia, and Russia.
The contributions of the targeted part of our society, through the acts of commerce (which generates billions in tax revenue), help keep each and everyone of us safe and secure. The day after 9/11 a man of limited education but great common sense made comment to a small crowd of us stunned citizens. Many were asking what can we do? Some were going to enlist, some volunteer to go help the victims of the attack but many could not make such sacrifices for a variety of reasons such as age and personal resources. It was then that I heard these words;
“The best thing you can do to help your country right now is to work at your jobs. It is the strength of our commerce that will help us defeat our attackers. If we give up in shock then they win for that is just the reaction the Terrorists want.”
He is right, for every foot soldier, sailor, or Airman in the field; there are 30 more in support of that front line combatant. The ammunition, food, clothing, equipment is made by American hands and ingenuity. And the trail need not stop there, for I contend that though the bookseller and the insurance corporation may not have directly distributed hard goods to the military effort, they did so indirectly. That being the taxes generated by the profits of the corporation or business and the personal income taxes of its employees. The monies obtained thereby, can then be used to fuel the tanks, and planes of our brave men and women over seas.
And who runs those businesses’ that have so helped each and every one of us enjoy a standard of living only dreamed of elsewhere? Well according to “Uncle Joe” it’s the most unpatriotic portion of our populace, and they just don’t care about our nation at all.
Perhaps Senator Biden should read a book or two about the economics of WW II and the importance the U.S. economy played in that time period. He just might be surprised at the level of Patriotism exhibited by this most unpatriotic group of evil businessmen.
So what we can conclude is that though Uncle Joe and Commissar Obama want you to believe that patriotism is based upon ones revenue and tax we can see quite easily that this assertion is not only false but completely inane. However I am not surprised at all by this little attack by the “Red Star Duo” for I have seen this type of political ploy before. I read it in the Joseph Stalin Handbook “how to destroy an economy and have the masses thank you.”
By attacking those who’s income seems out of reach for many and by saying that “we are going to tax them and give you a break”, Uncle Joe is creating a class differential one that can be used and exploited not for benefit the millions of Middle Class Americans but for the sole purpose of getting elected.
Add the Capital gains tax plan of these two geniuses, to the mix, and you get quite a mess indeed.
the Photo is Uncle Joe Biden's Harvard Graduation Portrait.
Holy crap, are you ever off the mark! Are you serious? Do you really expect us to believe that these people are "investing" because they're patriotic? What drivel! They are investing because they want to make money and if the opportunity to make money presented itself in Communist China or the Russian oil fields they would be investing there. You seem to have confused patriotism with greed. I've heard of people "drinking the cool-aid" but you Mac na l'Eireann seem to be bathing in it.
Drivel? Off the mark? Kool Aid?
My, my, my, aren't we a bit caustic this morning.
First, your weak insults aside, It was not I who confused patriotism with investing it was Uncle Joe Biden.
Second, greed does play a factor in any business decision, self interests have been the heart and soul of not only the economy but also our politics. This goes without saying.
What I am saying is that the investments of these people in our economy, go much further than Uncle Joe wants to give credit for, and his Capital gains tax plan and idea of taxing them more on their income could have the exact effect you so capably put forth; i.e. the investors will look to foreign markets. Pure and simple. For if as an investor I am able to obtain an 8% return on a deal and the Government takes 4% that leaves me with a 4% gain. If I am able to do the same with your beloved China and retain 6% of course It would only make sense to do so right?
Perhaps, if that was the only factor, but one must also look at the security and laws of the foreign nation in which you are investing. As an investor do I trust the Chinese to release my gains or do I fear that the Communist Government may at any point decide to take all of my money for their own, or do I place my monies in the US market where it is more secure and benefits my neighbors? This is no small matter.
No, what I am going to do is continue to invest in my markets and my Nation and in so doing continue to foster and strengthen this Country.
Let us also look at the recent outcry over the Summer Olympics. Did not many a person say they would not attend or promote that event because it was being held in China? Hmmmm. Do you not think that many people, of which I know a few, do the same with their money? Also, lets look at the campaign contributions shall we while we are on the subject. What do the millions of various donors hope to achieve by giving money to candidates? For most no real monetary gain can be expected for their $4,300 investment so why do it?
Come on you know the answer, it is right there on the tip of your tongue......
I realize that it is fashionable to vilify anyone who has obtained a modicum of wealth and to discredit any good intentions and or feelings of Patriotism they may have simply based upon their income. However as I have pointed out in the original article, this is far from the truth for the most part and it is faulty in the extreme.
Lastly, allow me this one dig for I cannot help myself when dealing with someone of such volatile temperament.
The name Mac na h'Eireann(son of Ireland) is spelled with the letter h before the e not l. That name is but the title of the Blog, for if you would look closely you will see each and every one of my posts is signed as " Blighter".
Take a breath, and then try again.
I know you can do better, for I have read and enjoyed your comments on some of my other posts.
Not caustic at all, my friend and I meant not to cast insults so I apologize. I also apologize for the misspelling and not using the proper name, "Blighter", and I thank you for making my point for me. You see I believe that "uncle Joe Biden" was not looking to penalize people, or call into question their patriotism. I believe that uncle Joe was saying that because of their good fortune and the benefits that America has enabled them to accrue, it's time for them to step up and pay their fair share. Now let's get one thing perfectly clear I'm not a Democrat. I do not agree with JB at least I don't agree that raising taxes and creating a class war is the way to solve Americas' economic woes. No sir, I think we should be first looking to get our spending addiction under control. A spending addiction that is just as deeply rooted in the Republicans as it is in the Democrats. We need to get our National priorities in order and communicate those priorities to the people. We need to be looking to unify this country, instead of arguing about which party is right. This is supposed to be a country of the People and for the People and not about political parties. Blighter, before you start looking at all the "bad" ideas coming from the Democrats, you should look to clean your own house. As it says in the Bible, (and I'm paraphrasing)"take care of the beam in your own eye before you point out the speck in your neighbor's". Have a joyful day.
Right, So many points to address, some of which I agree upon and of course others which I do not. For clarity I will need to break down your latest missive in sections.
First: Your contention that Uncle Joe (which was another famous person's nick name)was not calling people's patriotism into question is not supported by his statement.
It is his statement that I found so very irritating and wrong that I wrote about it in the first place. If, as I tend to agree, that the meaning was to say:
" because of their good fortune and the benefits that America has enabled them to accrue, it's time for them to step up and pay their fair share."
Then I believe I have shown quite clearly that these people are already paying their fair share by creating jobs and opportunities for the Nation as a whole. It is the aggravating fact that those persons who contribute by way of fostering the economy, are being portrayed as unpatriotic and as "shirkers" (another term from another dark time).
I do not agree with JB at least I don't agree that raising taxes and creating a class war is the way to solve Americas' economic woes. No sir, I think we should be first looking to get our spending addiction under control.
No argument from me on this, I couldn't agree more. I also agree with most of your follow up in that no one party is responsible for the over spending of government at all levels. As that is a subject of great breadth I defer to the one line answer, for time allows me not to go into great detail. Agreed.
This is supposed to be a country of the People and for the People and not about political parties. Blighter, before you start looking at all the "bad" ideas coming from the Democrats, you should look to clean your own house. As it says in the Bible, (and I'm paraphrasing)"take care of the beam in your own eye before you point out the speck in your neighbor's".
I daresay you missed the point of my original article if you somehow percieved this as an attack on the Democrat party. I do not hide the fact that conservative values drive my political thought, but I do not believe anywhere in my ariticle did I mention or put forth the view that it was the Party that was responsible for Uncle Joe's statement. A statement I find quite wrong. If I was writing at the time that the Administration placed the unpatriotic label on those persons who did not support the invasion of Iraq, a similar article would have been produced. For, I know many persons who love our nation dearly but did not support this action.
This is not about Parties, my friend, this is about our nation and the people, all of the people undivided by class, economics or party.
The divisivness and falseness of Joe Biden's plan is a detriment to this country and all those people.
I am a firm believer in Capitalism and a free market society. I have seen first hand socialism, and what it does to its people, thus my rabid defense of our systems of business and government. We may have corruption, greed, and avarice, but we have not the level that permeates the socialist countries of the world. Uncle Joe is leaning too close to the basis of socialist thought and for that he deserves my scorn.
Lastly, my pointing out of "Bad ideas" is something I do rather well, and take great pleasure in.
Thank you for replying in a civil way and I look forward to discussing my ravings with you again real soon.
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