Friday, March 28, 2008

Persistance pays off...I guess

Back in November I blogged about the proposed " Grocery bag fee" put forth by represenative Ted Koffman of Bar Harbor. When I wrote that little piece I recall feeling rather incensed. I saw it, and see it still, as one of the most frivolous pieces of Legislation to date. I thought that surely there were more important matters for our State Represenatives to be dealing with.

Evidently, I was wrong.

Yesterday the AP ran this little piece:

Maine asking shoppers to reuse grocery shopping bags
By Associated Press
March 27, 2008 10:34 AM
AUGUSTA, Maine - Maine lawmakers are urging shoppers to do their bit to help the environment by reusing shopping bags when they go to the grocery store.
The House passed a nonbinding order Wednesday and the Senate's expected to take it up Thursday. Sponsors say it's modeled after a request in New Hampshire.
Americans use billions of plastic shopping bags every year, but only about 5 percent are recycled. The order says 12 million barrels of oil are used in America each year making and transporting the bags, yet millions end up in landfills, lakes, streams and along roadsides.
Other states and cities have passed laws requiring stores to collect and recycle bags. Maine's order asks for a voluntary approach toward reaching a 50 percent goal of grocery store customers bring their own reusable shopping bags to the store.

After reading and re-reading this article several times, I started to marvel at the persistance of Bar Harbor's distinguished gentleman. I mean, if you think about it, the energy, effort, time and money used these past four months must have been a great strain on mr. Koffman and is staff. In pursuit of a bill, that he feels so passionate about, he never once faltered in his conviction that "Plastic bags" are one of the greatest problems we face here in Maine. How can I, a simple taxpayer fault one so powerful and illustrious as Represenative Ted Koffman? * Rhetorical*

I am sure that now this non-binding resolution is in place, we the people of Maine will all sleep more soundly. Perhaps, with the comforting knowledge that Augusta has our best interests at heart, the lack of a sustainable economy won't seem so bad.

I applaud mr. Koffman and his efforts. His contribution to the political History of man will forever be on par with Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. I can see accolades from the globe wide coming his way for this monumental bit of work. Throngs of pilgrims will flock to his door to seek his wisdom. The Nobel Peace prize is his for sure. Step aside John Hume, your work in Northern Ireland was nothing compared to the Bag Man of Bar Harbor. I bet that his constituents are planning a celebration and perhaps a statue dedication to him right now.

Persistance pays off, I guess, for without dedication, and determination, we the people of Maine would not be hearing about this. Without great effort and resources, which I am sure we are all happy to pay for, this bill would have died in November of last year. Whew....I am so glad we have someone in Augusta who knows how to spend, not only his time, but taxpayer dollars, on issues of such great import. Rising above the " Issues of the day" such as budget deficts, and tax burdens, Represenative Koffman went right to the heart of the Maine citizen's " real" problem.

Paper or Plastic.


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