Now, this for me is of significance. Another man who is dedicated to the security and sanctity of this Nation, coming out in support of John McCain. Rising above the tide of rhetoric and labels, General Schwartzkopf has made a statement by this action. An Important one for which I am grateful. As I peruse the daily news agencies, I become more and more annoyed with the "Conservative" part of the Republican Party. I too consider myself Conservative but recently, it seems, I have been disqualified. The pundits and reporters want me to believe that I am not a Conservative but a Liberal because of my support for Senator McCain. Regardless of my years of dedication to the Conservative ethos, now I am not a member of that group, so sayeth Sean Hannity and Chuck Norris.
So I say to you all, who are degrading and minimizing my beliefs and convictions with your quips and wit... Piss Off.
I suppose now it will be open season on General Scwartzkopf as well? I guess his record of service and dedication to this Nation will be brought to the fore and picked apart. His support of the Republican party will be negated and he will no longer be a Conservative any longer as well. He will be labelled a " Lib" and his love of country diminished. This is what I am seeing each and every day, and I believe it is beneath the Republican party to behave this way.
Hillary and Barack had it out on National TV the other night, to the joy of millions of Republicans. Their mudslinging and black attacks showed the world who and what they really are finally. This behavior is part and parcel for the Democrats. In fighting and back biting, has become so common place within their party no one seems to notice it any longer. They too have extremes within their organization, " The far Left", who are controlling their party at the moment. One of their favorite things to say is " If you support the war, you are a fascist."
Am I the only one who sees the similarities here? Countless times these past 8 years, Republicans have taken the High road when faced with negative attacks and behavior. They have said it was beneath them to even address some of the nonsensical, emotional arguments, thrown about by such outstanding people like Nancy Pelosi. Yet within our own ranks, and for the world to see, I guess it is a different set of rules. Just like the Dems, we have begun to attack our core and rely upon extremes. We have begun labelling each other and to my chagrin disqualifying long standing members of our party. I am sure if there was a way for the Hard liners to throw me out they would. I guess at least I wouldn't be alone as General Swartzkopf would be good company to keep. Lets get back to the High road, lets stop fooling around with labels and dividing our house. Ultimately we all have the same core beliefs, and we all vote accordingly. Let's stop acting like the Dems, and get back to the issues at hand. Piss off Walker Texas Ranger, McCain and Swartzkopf have done more for our nation than you and yours will ever do and then some.
Norman Schwarzkopf Endorses McCain
by FOXNews.com
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
John McCain earned the endorsement of Gulf War commander Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Wednesday.
Schwarzkopf, who with McCain in 2004 was openly critical of then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld over his handling of the Iraq war, said in a statement the Arizona senator “has served our country with honor in war and in peace.”
“He has demonstrated the type of courageous leadership our country sorely needs at this time. For that reason, he has my complete support,” he said.
McCain is in a tight race for the Republican presidential nomination, but most polls show him leading the pack following his wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina. He and his rivals are in Florida Wednesday ahead of the state’s primary on Tuesday.
It is not clear whether Schwarzkopf will campaign with McCain, as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has done.
McCain thanked Schwarzkopf in a statement, saying, “General Norman Schwarzkopf’s distinguished lifetime of service and uncommon devotion to our nation has earned him the respect and admiration of the American people. I am honored by his support.”
Schwarzkopf, who with McCain in 2004 was openly critical of then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld over his handling of the Iraq war, said in a statement the Arizona senator “has served our country with honor in war and in peace.”
“He has demonstrated the type of courageous leadership our country sorely needs at this time. For that reason, he has my complete support,” he said.
McCain is in a tight race for the Republican presidential nomination, but most polls show him leading the pack following his wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina. He and his rivals are in Florida Wednesday ahead of the state’s primary on Tuesday.
It is not clear whether Schwarzkopf will campaign with McCain, as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has done.
McCain thanked Schwarzkopf in a statement, saying, “General Norman Schwarzkopf’s distinguished lifetime of service and uncommon devotion to our nation has earned him the respect and admiration of the American people. I am honored by his support.”
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