The other night on my way home from work, I heard the story of the Mall shooting in Omaha Nebraska. It seems a 19 year old, who lost his job at Macdonald's was so upset about not being qualified to mop floors at the fast food chain he decided to shoot a whole bunch of random people. The News media has since covered this story extensively and we now all know who the shooter was, along with a myriad of explanations as to why he would do such a heinous thing. I have been barraged with the story of his troubled youth, his kind and compassionate personality, and his " Victim Status". There are a couple of things about these incidents that I feel I need to put down for posterity as the various takes on these acts trouble me a wee bit.
Firstly I am now very familiar with the shooter's visage as his photo has been posted all over the web and the news. You can see I have added it above for all of you cave dwellers out there.Here is the problem. Robert Hawkins, 19 left a note for the police stating " Now I will Be famous". By covering his life, his story, and everything about him, the media has now given this twisted lad his final wish. Does that not seem a little oxymoronic? Every time one of these Nutter's comes out with guns blazing, we give them all the fame and attention they are craving. They know it and desire it above all else. Why not cover the shooting like this?
Today 13 productive decent human beings were shot down by a useless piece of garbage. The victims of this attack sadly lost their lives because of this sick individual's inability to cope with life. There will be a memorial for the victims on , Such and Such a date whilst, on the other side of town, the coroner burns the Human refuse that perpetrated the crime. After which his ashes will be scattered over the City dump as a testament to his contribution to society.
By not mentioning the name, relations, etc. The Infamous legacy these useless slugs so desire is removed from the equation. Thus, giving the next nutter pause as his/her goal of fame is negated. Without fame they have no other reason to attempt such things
My next point about these types of shootings concerns the logic used by the perpetrator. We all have felt powerless and or victimised at some point in our lives. Some of us have actually contemplated killing the people who we feel have wronged us in some way. That's OK. it's a natural instinct acting on that instinct is another matter totally. Now, if you are angry or upset, and to the point of murder, how do you decide to gun down 13 people you never met, rather than those who you feel actually caused you injury? Would not the satisfaction been greater for young Mr. Hawkins if he had shot the MacDonald's manager who let him go? ( I am not promoting this BTW) For if we are to believe that the emotional state of the shooter is of import, as the media loves to put forth, then this murderous rage is important. And the causes of the rage are of equal value no? Essentially, there is no logic behind these acts. For if the shooter is angry with the Hamburgler, his girlfriend, or even the US Army, why shoot randoms who never did anything to harm him? Again; the fame factor comes in to play.
OK, now I get to the part where the bleeding hearts start crying about poor young Mr. Hawkin's childhood. His poor upbringing, drug use, and institutionalisation. I say to this " So What?" Millions of people suffer from drug addictions, millions have been through Jails and Mental health facilities, and millions have endured less than idyllic upbringing. If these were truly the reasons behind these spree shootings, would not there be a hell of a lot more? Would not all the junkies of NYC take up arms and start killing all the Macy's shoppers? Wouldn't the countless children that went through Child services these past 50 years start slaying innocents en Mass? To be honest, I don't care if Mr. Hawkins didn't adjust well, or that he felt powerless, or that he even existed. I don't see any correlation to his upbringing, in comparison to a million other cases exactly the same. The bleeding heart "fix its", and "we need someone to blame crowd" are barking up the wrong tree. The State is not at fault, Society is not at fault, no one is. These criminals are simply fame seekers. They are weak willed and useless to start with and this is the only way their small minds can think of to " make their mark."
Lastly, I need to point out that all of these various incidents end with the attacker committing Suicide. Normally I abhor the idea of Harri Kari, but in cases such as this I applaud it. Now, it is obvious that these spree killers have already determined that they are going to take their own life. They have decided that point before they ever engage in the act of murder. I do not believe that these individuals all have this great moment of remorse after seeing what they have done and decide then that they cannot live any longer with their guilt. The suicide is as premeditated as the attack. Without the chance for fame, or some kind of recognition, good or ill, I believe these Nutters would simply off themselves alone in the wilderness. Thus saving many lives and tragedies and as a bonus, ridding society of their uselessness in the bargain.
So what I am saying, is stop publicising the life and times of these losers. Leave off the sermonizing and the compassion for the criminal. Give them nothing, not even their names. Degrade them, demean them leave them no hope of any real or perceived impact on their world. Do this a few times and the other fringe loons out there, will stand down their ideas of fame and glory.
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