Friday, January 16, 2009

Term limits LD 108

As it is essential to liberty that the government in general should have a common interest with the people, so it is particularly essential that the branch of it under consideration should have an immediate dependence on, and an intimate sympathy with, the people. Frequent elections are unquestionably the only policy by which this dependence and sympathy can be effectually secured.
Alexander Hamilton
Federalist papers # 52

I recently had the good fortune to read the 124th Maine State Legislatures proposed LD108 a RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Change the Terms for State Senators and Members of the House of Representatives to 4 Years.

As we the general populace, suffer the cruel and bitter consequences of the failing economy, and are focused upon those personal interests closest to our existence, those who we have elected to represent our combined interests have decided the time was ripe to try this again. For lest we let our memories fade through worry this very bill has been tried before. But I'll not go overmuch into the particulars of that history for it serves no purpose in my present argument.

I fully believe that the current two year terms of service are more than sufficient to fulfill the purposes of representing the Maine citizen. Who among us has not had occasion to wonder at seemingly "out of touch" proposals and ideas that filter down to the masses? Have we not all felt that those very same legislators are too far distant from their constituents and that they understand not the real woes and needs of the voters? If you find yourself with no examples of such wonderment as you look back at the past two years, then I daresay you have just been released from some kind of institution, or that your care and concern for our democracy is minimal.

The proponents of four year terms are simply undermining the principle put forth by Alexander Hamilton that the representatives should have " an immediate dependence on, and a sympathy with the people." Which can only be fostered and maintained through Frequent elections. Though Mr. Hamilton was speaking of the US House of Representatives at the time, if we look closely at the Maine State Constitution we can see that it's form mirrors the Federal Constitution quite closely. The ideas and theories used to create the Federal Constitution, being sound and well thought out, must have been agreeable to the citizens and Legislators of Maine when they wrote their own or they would not have chosen to copy the forms so closely.

If, the philosophy behind Maine's choice of Constitutional Articles, was so influenced, which I believe it was, by the writings and beliefs of such men as Madison, and Hamilton, then LD 108 not only turns it's back on the first Maine Legislature but that too of our founding fathers.

To what good will a further distance of two years be to you the voter of Maine if this resolution comes to pass? I say no good or benefit will you derive from such a scheme, for those who are already so far removed from the every day existence of the populace will become even more distant. They will need not to look to you, their employer, for guidance, acceptance nor will accountability for misdeeds and poor work be a worry to them.

As it stands right now, the only true power each and every voter in Maine has to influence the government which rules above him or her is the vote. The power to vote into office those we wish to represent our interests and to remove those who through laziness, deception or even simple misfortune have failed to look after their constituents. I for one am loathe to give over that power, or even to delay the use of the only tool I have available to me to further Democracy.

I will be writing another piece concerning the supposed reasoning behind LD 108 and it's Proponents. Stay tuned.... this bloody mess is going to get very big and nasty when all is said and done.


Alexander Hamilton Image compliments of

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Change we can believe in

Amusing? Well a little when you think about it, but for me this little cartoon sums up what we can all expect for the next four years.
Did you know that the Obama Bailout... ahem I mean Stimulus package is projected to cost more than one Trillion dollars? That is more than was spent on the New Deal, and Reconstruction, and just shy of what was spent on World War II. You would think that with the complete and utter failure of the previous Stimulus package put out by the Bush administration this past spring our new President would have come up with something novel. I thought this was going to be the Presidency of change, innovation and hope? I guess not, for it looks to me that the new boss is same as the old boss with a whole new gallery of idiots to help him along the way.
Speaking of idiots, I can now officially terminate my plans for a vacation to Minnesota. If the Citizens of that state are so foolish as to elect a bad comedian to the Senate, then who knows what they might do to tourists? Think about it.... They are cannibalising the Senate by electing Al Franken so one can only deduce that cannibalism is in their nature. I don't want to end up in a large black kettle with hedonistic Minnesotans dancing around me wearing Al Franken masks while I cook. Better to avoid that situation all together don't you think?
Another of our most popular idiots of the week is Senator Harry Reid. Harry took time from his all loving, awestruck praise, of the President elect to actually take a stand on an issue. Pulling his nose from the floor, Senator Reid made clear that Roland Burris would not be allowed into the Senate for the man who chose him Govenor Blagovitch is under indictment. Good for you Harry!!! way to make a stand!!! Just one thing though, The US. Constitution gives the Govenor of a state the power to appoint members to congress when a seat becomes vacated. So though you may feel morally superior at the moment, what you really should be feeling is shame. Shame that you don't even know enough about the laws that rule this land to make even the simplest decisions yet you are a Legislator? Might I suggest you put your nose back on the floor in Praise of he who will save us all and stop pretending to be that which you are not? Intelligent.